Friday, October 5, 2012


Not much else to say this week.

My two main projects in the way of my course are:

Weather Station - Embedded Systems.
Stick Fighters(1v1 fighter game with stick men) - Programming II.

Both are progressing nicely, with the Weather Station we are creating it in a group, and I am pretty much the head in combining all the different modules into a singular working system.
Right where I want to be, in the midst of all the code.

Stick Fighters I have made a major break through with the code.... Well, but that I mean I found a major flaw with one line that has been holding me back for quite some time.

So it's going pretty good for me so far.

I have been tearing it up on DOA5 some more, I have lost my leader-board ranking, but that was to be expected as I can't constantly play it.

Yeah, not really much else to say, this is another short one, and as I was typing it I didn't like how it was sounding and how I was wording it.... But meh, I can't be bothered proof reading this, regardless of how short it is.

So I bid you all ado.

"Actually, that was kinda funny."
~ Gaz - Invader Zim

~ Haftka


  1. Any screen shots for the game or aren't you that far along?

    1. Didn't see this comment till I was typing up the latest post, I added a screenshot in for you.

      At the time of this post it wasn't ready for a screenshot even if I did see this.
