Saturday, July 2, 2011

OMG 10 months and no new post.

Yup its been 10 months... well nearly.

The scary thing is that I forgot about this old place for nearly year, and man do I regret it.
Just look at this place! It's a mess, cobwebs everywhere dusty furniture and is that rats in the ceiling I hear up there?

But seriously let me get you up to speed with what has happened. Cause I bet you are wondering with all your might about what happened with me and my course.

Well I passed Programing A with an A, funny huh? I create puns even when I'm not trying to.
Also I passed Programing B with a C+, not so much a pun but I wish my tutor wrote it as C++ X D
I also passed software engineering with a C.

So you see I did pretty well on the first semester and did well in my exams.
Whats that? I had another topic I was studying? I can't think what? oh right... electronics II
Well I completely failed and bombed that. Not so good, so I am having to repeat it.

BUT! The good news is that I feel way more confident with it because I have just completed the 1st semester(yes I know I did the 2nd one first and the 1st one second its weird) and I kicked the crap out of electronics(not literally I would never do that unless I was attack by robots or cybermen.)

I haven't gotten all my results back from all my courses yet for the 1st semester so I can't talk much about them, they were however:

Comunication studies.
Electronics I.
Operating systems.
Micro Processors.

All of which I am very confident I passed(even though it felt like I didn't learn anything in Micros.)

In personal life? My brother and his girlfriend went over to USA for a holiday vacation thing, so the last month or so I have been practically living by myself(my other flat mate comes and goes and not really hear most of the time.) But they will be coming home today so it nice to not have an empty house lol.

As for all my little and not so little projects? Next to nothing has developed on any of them.

Well that is all for now, I will try to get this updated weekly again, but look what happened last time.

"Why do you have to have a head?"
~ Gaz - Invader Zim

~ Haftka