Gah, I am so bad....
Well to catch up, I am currently looking for work in the IT Industry, I am still a couple papers shy of my Bachelors. But I want to get out there and working asap.
I have started up a little webcomic, that I am just as bad as updating as I am with this blog, which you can view over at it's facebook page:
ICD - I Can't Draw
Also I got the Xbox One Day One Edition. Pretty cool, and I am quite happy with it(even with all it's expected bugs/problems.)
I just recently played the long awaited Beta for Kingdom Under Fire 2, and I have to say it was everything I ever dreamed of and more! I can't wait for the full release of the game!
Well I'm sure there is other stuff to talk about. But for now I just wanted to get a post out there.
"This place is kinda big for a hot dog stand, don't ya think?"
~ Gaz - Invader Zim
~ Haftka