Sunday, October 28, 2012


I forgot to post again.

Ahh well not much has happened, I've mainly been doing some study as well as some mucking around on minecraft for some down time.

I've sat two of my exams, both were easier than I was expecting.
Logical Database, I think I will past that with a C+ or a B.
Embedded systems, Looking more around a B maybe B+

Also got results back from that little stick figure game I made, 85%, that's an A.
Now all I need to do is score 80%+ on my exam(which I am fairly confident I can do) and I will pass the paper with an A/A+!
*Gets physicked *

Anyway, so yeah I have my programing exam Tuesday afternoon, and Systems Engineering Wednesday afternoon.
Wish me luck!

As for life, I just taught myself to sew by hand, just so I could sew my Spartan Insignia(that I got with legendary edition of halo reach) onto my jacket to wear to the Halo 4 midnight launch party! that is happening on November 5th!

Looking forward to that, exams will be over, I can go tear stuff up in a shiny new game.
Just perfect timing really.

Anyway I guess that is it for me this week, will let you know how I find my next two exams, until next time!

"You've been acting weird all day! Even weirder than usual!"
~ Gaz - Invader Zim
 ~ Haftka

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Like title says, I forgot to post last night.

Well not much to say anyway.

So as a filler for this post I typed "Random" into youtube and this is what I got.

"Just one experiment, then I go rescue him."
~ Gaz - Invader Zim

~ Haftka

Saturday, October 13, 2012

End of Semester and Assignments.

A few things to say, but first, yes I know its a day late but I wanted to hold off this post so I was able to link you a more or less finished copy of my final programming assignment.

Anyway lets get into it.

It is the end of Semester like I mentioned. Starting next week is study week with exams following.
Yesterday I had 3 final assignments due, the Weatherstation for Embedded, a working Database designed for a small hospital and a programming assignment of my choice.

Now technically Database and Programming assignments were due yesterday but have an absolute deadline of Monday morning, so I was able to put aside the finishing touches for them and work swiftly on the Weatherstation, which I happily report to be 90% functioning. Just had some minor issues with the pressure sensor, but a fully working system wasn't necessary for the hand, just well documented on what was working and what still needed to be fix/updated.

Spent most of the day Working on my database and planning on doing the final touches/handing in tomorrow, not really much to say on this.

Now... What I really want to talk about.

For my final Programming Assignment I was able to choose anything I wanted, as long it was of decent size and showed the principles that we learned/OO-desgin.
So naturally I built a game from scratch with SDL libraries. =D

It is a rather simple stick figure player vs player fighting game, with a punch and kick button. But with that said, I do plan on building on from what I have created into a full fledged game. As it stands now it is missing a lot of features such as:

Friction/Speed limiter : : How the code works atm causes the characters to move faster on faster machines.
Boarder/Invisible walls :: Currently there is nothing stop players from going off screen.

Some things I would like to add/change in the future:
Better sprites :: I have very minimalistic sprites/animation as I am not a very good artist(even when it comes to stick figures.)
Menu System :: Could build one quite fast, but isn't important at this stage.
More Characters :: I want to have several different characters with different strengths/combos/etc.
Player Vs PC :: Need to learn s few scripting languages/etc before attempting this.
Lan/Net MP :: This will actually probably easier to achieve than the Player Vs PC, due the SDL have networking covered in the libraries.... I think... might need to check up on that.

Anyway I had fun creating it, and will continue to do so as I improve upon it.
I mentioned a link? Oh, so I did, here you go:


Stick Fighters
Stick Fighters

Wow I enjoyed talking about it almost as much as I did creating it. ^.^

Anyway in the way of life, last Wednesday I went to my Brother and his girlfriends Civil Union then went out to dinner with them and both of their families(well his family is my family but I wasn't sure how to word that correctly.... I could have said "Our and her families" but that still sounds a bit weird... cause I feel like I should be grouping them together... not me and my brother... but meh...)
So I was able to have a nice meal for the first time in months... Sucks being a poor student who is use to a high standard of taste/palate.

But anyway it was a nice simple/fast ceremony and was nice seeing/talking with everyone, and meeting some of her family for the first time.

Well I think that is about me for this week, don't expect to say much next week either, as I will be stuck into my studying that nothing much is bound to happen.

"Hey, what game is that?"
~ Gaz - Invader Zim
~ Haftka

Friday, October 5, 2012


Not much else to say this week.

My two main projects in the way of my course are:

Weather Station - Embedded Systems.
Stick Fighters(1v1 fighter game with stick men) - Programming II.

Both are progressing nicely, with the Weather Station we are creating it in a group, and I am pretty much the head in combining all the different modules into a singular working system.
Right where I want to be, in the midst of all the code.

Stick Fighters I have made a major break through with the code.... Well, but that I mean I found a major flaw with one line that has been holding me back for quite some time.

So it's going pretty good for me so far.

I have been tearing it up on DOA5 some more, I have lost my leader-board ranking, but that was to be expected as I can't constantly play it.

Yeah, not really much else to say, this is another short one, and as I was typing it I didn't like how it was sounding and how I was wording it.... But meh, I can't be bothered proof reading this, regardless of how short it is.

So I bid you all ado.

"Actually, that was kinda funny."
~ Gaz - Invader Zim

~ Haftka